Why Doing Abs in the Morning is Your Best Bet!

Why Doing Abs in the Morning is Your Best Bet!

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Hey super parents and super parents to be.

This week I wanted to give you a workout routine you and your kids can do together in the morning.

Let’s start with 5 squat.
Place your feet shoulder with apart and ave your little one do the same and face each other.

Followed by 10 leg lifts on the ground.
Lay down with your back in the ground and your legs completely straight. Slowly lift your feet to the ceiling and back down to the ground.

Alternate between the 5 squats and 10 leg lifts for a total of 5 rounds.

It’s amazing how our kids will try to mimic everything we do so early morning workout routines hep build a strong bond with our kids.

Be great this week,

Justin Shaw

Follow me on Instagram @JustinShawAbs

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