3 Supercharged Tips from Fitness Dad & Guru

3 Supercharged Tips from Fitness Dad & Guru

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Hey fam! I’m Justin Shaw aka MiLOWE’s new Fit Dad! I’m a celebrity trainer, creator of #AHSS15 and self proclaimed super dad based in LA. I’ll be writing to you every other Monday with exclusive tips and other healthy content. If you have any specific questions, leave a comment below! 


As parents we naturally put our kids and family first which can lead to us not reaching our own fitness goals. We’re almost at the end of January, so it’s a good time to check in on our fitness goals. Don’t have any set? We can make some together. Here are 3 tips to help you supercharge your fitness goals. BTW I didn’t say any of this was going to be easy… just like parenting, your health and fitness needs your focus, attention, love and care. 

Tip 1:

Involve your kid(s) with your fitness goals. 

  • A simple way to do this is to take a before image with your kid(s). They will help keep you accountable with whatever your fitness goal may be.

  • Here’s an alternative if you don’t want your kid(s) in the photo. Simply have them take the photo and make sure they get the photo cred on the gram.

Tip 2:

Create a clear & easy to follow plan with your family in mind. 

  • This may sound simple but it’s easy to fall off the wagon. If your plan is to workout 3-5 times a week, it’ll be hard to stick to that goal without adding specific details.

  • Try being as specific as possible with your plan. For example, instead of saying you’ll work out 3-5 times a week, say you’ll work out 3-5 mornings before your kid(s) wake up! 

  • The detail of when you’ll workout with the intention of not missing out on any quality family time will allow you to train without having to sacrifice anytime away from your family. 

Tip 3:

Connect your fitness goal with a fun family celebration. 

  • This naturally causes you and your whole family to pull in the same direction because as humans we love to celebrate. 

  • Plus who wouldn’t want to celebrate after crushing a fitness goal! Especially with your family!

  • As you see my tips all involved the inclusion of your family! The key to a happy healthy life is always balance!

  • Focus as much on your family as you do your fitness and vice versa!

If you liked these tips, please hit follow on my Instagram @JustinShawAbs for more tips and a chance to enter my $500 transformation award!

From my home to yours… abs on the way!

- Justin aka Fit Dad

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