Los Angeles Halloween Events and Trick-Or-Treating Alternatives

Los Angeles Halloween Events and Trick-Or-Treating Alternatives

Toddler Halloween

As with most events and holidays this year, Halloween looks a bit different than usual. Some cities have official ordinances about trick or treating (in Los Angeles it is “not recommended”) and people have varying degrees of comfort about what they want to do, so here are some alternatives to traditional outdoor trick-or-treating and some festive local events.

Nights of the Jack

Los Angeles area Halloween events:

Nights of the Jack - A Drive-Thru Experience - This family-friendly drive-thru event in Calabassas features thousands of hand-carved and illuminated jack-o-lanterns. The event takes place Oct 1st through Nov 1st and entry costs $69 per car. We had a great time visiting this event last year and we’re looking forward to seeing how the drive-thru version will look.

Haunt-O-Ween - An interactive and immersive all-ages Halloween drive-thru experience running from Oct. 9th until Oct. 31st. It features pumpkin “picking,” a small door to door trick-or-treating set up, photo ops and more.

Trick or Treating Alternatives:

  • Have a virtual Halloween celebration with friends or family - Have a virtual Halloween contest, dress up and hang out while listening to spooky music, do a candy taste test, etc.

  • Trick-or-treat at home! Earlier this summer we decided to have a summer Halloween celebration with our 3yr old. We dressed up and put a little bowl of candy in all of the rooms in the house. She knocked on all the doors, screamed “trick or treat” at us at close range, got lots of candy and had an amazing time.

  • Celebrate with your pod - If you have a little pod, which many of us do by now, have them over for a backyard scavenger hunt or trick-or-treat around the yard.

  • Have a dinner party in costume - Make spooky themed foods, wear your costumes and put on some fun music.

  • Have a movie night! - There are tons of great Monster-themed kid movies. Get some candy, put on a costume and hang out on the couch.

  • Pumpkin carving - If you’re anything like me you wait to carve pumpkins until the last minute, so may as well make an event out of it!

Happy Halloween!

- Callie AKA “MiLOWE Mom”

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