Cassie's Story: Epidural Challenges, Postpartum Depression, Intrusive Thoughts, Maternity Leave and Lack of Sleep

Cassie's Story: Epidural Challenges, Postpartum Depression, Intrusive Thoughts, Maternity Leave and Lack of Sleep

Each episode of The Sleep Sessions podcast features a different mom sharing her story of adapting to life and sleep after a new baby. The conversations cover topics such as birth stories, physical recovery, mental health, sleep, feeding, work/life balance, relationship changes and more in hopes of supporting women through the postpartum period. 


Often times moms feel like something is “off” in the weeks or months after delivery but it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is. Roughly 70-80% of women experience the baby blues, but in many cases it’s more than that. Whether it be postpartum depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, or another mood disorder, know you certainly aren’t alone in what you’re experiencing and if you feel it’s getting out of your control, it’s more than OK to seek professional help.

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On today’s episode, @cassandrayoung shares about her birth experience with multiple epidural failures, postpartum depression, intrusive thoughts, and self-doubt when it comes to making decisions for her family. She also discusses her take on the maternity leave policies in the US and raising a newborn without any local family members to help out.

Be sure to subscribe to The Sleep Sessions wherever you listen to podcasts and follow along on Instagram at @thesleepsessions

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