All I Need In This Moment

All I Need In This Moment


The world keeps spinning off its emotional and political axis, and clothing and style seem less and less important in many ways. And yet, we know we are running a marathon in 2020 more than any year I can recall. I often talk about the concept of ‘enclothed cognition’ with clients; it states that ‘we become what we wear’. Who do you need to become to run this year’s marathon? This month’s 10k? Today’s sprint?

Many of us are still lucky enough to be stuck at home, able to wear whatever we want with the occasional need to pull ourselves together for virtual work calls. Some of us are observing #FancyFriday so there is a ‘reason’ to get dressed up weekly. (Those who do end up feeling a million times better. Try it!)

More than ever, the last four months have shown us how little we need in our closets and how we reach for the same few pieces over and over again in certain categories of clothing. Unless we make a concerted effort to work our way through all the tops/bottoms/dresses/pajamas/shoes, the usual suspects see the most action. Ideally, they are also your favorites!

I was lucky enough to have this realization in the fall of 2018 when I traveled to Rome with my son. Packing light for a favorite city, knowing I’d be walking all over but also going to some nicer dinners, chilly museums and churches, I was never so satisfied with my wardrobe as I was in that AirBnB apartment. I actually said to my child, ‘I love and am so satisfied with these pieces and could truly do without everything else that’s back home in LA!’ to which he replied, ‘So, no shopping?!’. (He knows me well. I procured two leopard tops – timeless neutrals that can dress up or down, in my book. I am human, after all.)

The short list of pieces for that trip were and continue to be during this pandemic:

1.     cotton white long sleeve Victorian-style blouse 

2.     cotton red T shirt

3.     knee-length denim skirt

4.     cotton white pinstripe short sleeve midi day dress

5.     below-the-knee fitted (not tight!) black T shirt dress

6.     short sleeve leopard-print loose-fitting dress (two looks: loose and belted!)

7.     medium wash denim jacket for easy layering

8.     black ‘fashion’ sneakers

9.     printed slides (with arch support!)

10.  belt bag

Easy to wear and care for pieces that show personality and adaptability are where it’s at for me these days, more than ever. My hope is that you are successfully mining your closet for the pieces that set you up best for this time, however far the marathon ends up stretching.

 - Stephanie Gisondi-Little AKA “Styling Mama”


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